
Category 2 Silver Award

  • Title :
    Matemaatika 4. klassile. e-õpik / Mathematics 4th grade
  • Subject :
  • Authors :
    Endel Noor, Enn Nurk, Aksel Telgmaa
  • Publisher :
  • Country :
  • Evaluation :
    • The clear, fast and intuitive navigation of this digital application has been particularly well-designed thanks to a really relevant and efficient interconnection between the teacher and the learners' versions, making it truly user-friendly.
    • The material has a learner friendly design with plenty of space on every page and with high quality images and representations of figures and symbols. The on-screen layout is attractive and clear. The illustrations are humorous, age-appropriate, and help develop a learner's positive attitude to studying maths.
    • The application carefully considers differentiation as it enables the teacher to easily assign different tasks or exercises to different learners or groups of learners at different levels as well as track the learners' progress.