
Category 4 Silver award

  • Title :
  • Subject :
    Language (French
  • Authors :
    Line Faden-Babin and Mads Ilsøe
  • Publisher :
  • Country :
  • Price :
    2,01 EUR (3 month access) 4,69 EUR (1 year access €
  • Evaluation :
    • The material offers high production quality with simple, user-friendly navigation. It provides seamless transitions between chapters and tasks, encouraging exploration of French history through a variety of authentic resources and activities that improve French proficiency.
    • The modern interface and diverse tasks promote inclusion and collaboration, focusing on connecting WWII history to contemporary political contexts, encouraging critical thinking and emotional skills.
    • The personal testimonies bring history to life, fostering reflection and connecting past events to current issues, especially in light of rising populism. The emphasis on students' personal experiences in learning is a positive, central theme.